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Arduino for advanced
  • Arduino for advanced
ID: 231544

Rick Anderson, Dan Cervo


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The Arduino platform is a wonderful child of engineers thanks to which the electronics world has gained thousands of new enthusiasts. Where did they come from? Thanks to Arduino, even a complete layman can build an attractive electronic system that will make his life easier. If we add great documentation and an environment specifically designed for software development, it becomes clear why Arduino is so popular.

There are already a few items on the publishing market dedicated to Arduino, but usually they contain collections of projects that the reader can do on their own. In the meantime, if you have the ambition to create innovative solutions that you will not find on the web or in books, you must gain much more knowledge. This book will provide it to you. In the course of reading you will learn how to use XBee radio networks, communicate with Android and integrate Arduino with non-standard layouts, such as Atmel. In addition, you'll learn how to use multiple Arduino platforms to work on one problem. And then you'll learn to create libraries for Arduino and share them with the community. In this lies the greatest strength of the platform!

Find out:

  • how to increase the Arduino performance
  • how to build a sensor network
  • what to use XBee radio modules
  • how to create a game for Arduino

Table of Contents

About the authors (11)

About the content corrector (12)

Introduction (13)

Thanks (14)

Chapter 1. Changes in the Arduino core 1.0.4 (15)

  • Changes in the Arduino development environment (15)
  • Changes in the sketchbook (17)
  • API updates (17)
    • PinMode function (17)
    • Returned data types (18)
    • Type uint_8 (18)
  • Core Arduino API Core 1.0.4 (18)
    • Arduino.h Library (18)
    • Improved Serial object (19)
    • Improved Stream class (19)
    • Print class (20)
    • New Printable class (22)
    • Improved String library (22)
    • Improved Wire library (22)
    • Improved HardwareSerial library (23)
  • Disc upgrades and USB compatibility (23)
    • Improved Avrdude program (23)
    • New Arduino Leonardo (23)
    • Plate variants (25)
    • Charging program options changed to programmers (27)
    • New boot programs (27)
    • USB embedded software for the 16u2 system (27)
  • Summary (28)

Chapter 2. Arduino programming and social coding (29)

  • Elements of social coding and project management (30)
    • What is a project and how is it organized? (thirty)
    • Version control (33)
    • Tracking cases (33)
    • Documentation (34)
  • Project management in social coding (34)
    • Version control in Git and GitHub programs (34)
    • What is the Git program? (34)
    • Installing the Git program (35)
    • GitHub Tools (35)
  • Basic version control (36)
    • Creating your own project (36)
    • Editing code and checking changes (38)
    • Process flow (38)
    • Summary: creating your own project (40)
    • Summary: branch of another project (41)
    • Creating a change request (43)
    • How to account for change requests (47)
    • What is case management? (50)
    • Case management in the GitHub system (50)
    • Combining version control with change management (51)
  • Documentation (52)
    • GitHub wiki system (52)
    • Website development (52)
    • Syntax Markdown (54)
  • Sharing an Arduino community project (57)
    • Arduino project branch (57)
  • How to build an Arduino development environment (58)
  • Community resources (59)
  • Summary (59)

Chapter 3. OpenFrameworks and Arduino software (61)

  • Where to start (62)
  • Arduino code (62)
    • Code verification (63)
    • Arduino functions for serial transmission (63)
  • OpenFrameworks configuration (64)
    • Connection with Arduino using openFrameworks (64)
    • Code verification (66)
    • OpenFrameworks functions for serial transmission (67)
  • Code once thanks to Firmata and ofArduino (67)
    • Configuration of the Firmata protocol (68)
    • Arduino control with openFrameworks (69)
    • Code verification (71)
    • The most important constants used by the ofArduino class (71)
    • List of functions of the class ofArduino (71)
  • Developing an idea (72)
    • Code changes (73)
    • Code verification (74)
  • Other ideas to implement (74)
  • Summary (75)

Chapter 4. Android ADK Tools (77)

  • Android devices (78)
  • What to check (78)
  • Compatible devices (78)
  • Modifications (79)
  • Arduino IDE environment configuration (79)
    • Creating applications on Android (80)
    • Arduino sketch (84)
    • Android application ADK (85)
    • The file src / CH4.example.proArduino / CH4ExamplesActivity.java (89)
  • Completing the code skeleton (94)
    • Supplementing the application (96)
    • Arduino (100)
    • Code verification (101)
  • SPI interface and ADK protocol (101)
  • Summary (103)

Chapter 5. XBee radio modules (105)

  • Purchase of XBee modules (106)
  • Simple layout (107)
  • Transparent mode (AT commands) (108)
    • Module configuration (108)
    • Arduino configuration (109)
    • Code verification (109)
  • API mode (110)
    • Module configuration (110)
    • Construction of API packages (111)
    • Sending commands (112)
    • Sending data (113)
  • Request packets (114)
  • Response packets (115)
  • Receiving and sending data in Arduino (117)
  • Embedded device firmware (121)
  • Summary (123)

Chapter 6. Simulation of sensors (125)

  • Analog sensors (126)
    • Analog sensor reader (126)
    • Low-pass filter (126)
    • Code verification (128)
    • Resistor ladder (128)
    • Code verification (131)
  • Digital sensors (131)
    • PWM sensors (131)
    • Gray code (131)
  • Serial sensors (135)
    • Serial data sending (135)
    • Code verification (137)
  • I2C transmission (137)
    • TWRC register (138)
    • TWAR Register (139)
    • TWDR register (139)
    • TWRS Register (139)
    • Sending data via the I2C bus (139)
    • Code verification (141)
  • Summary (141)

Chapter 7. PID controllers (143)

  • Mathematical calculations (143)
    • Proportional part (143)
    • Integral part (144)
    • Differential part (144)
    • The sum of all parts (145)
    • Time (145)
  • Configuration of the PID controller (146)
    • Hardware connections (146)
    • Code verification (147)
  • PID Tuner application (148)
  • Comparison of PID, DEAD BAND and ON / OFF controllers (149)
  • The PID controller can control (150)
    • Controller adjustment (151)
    • PID library (152)
    • Functions of the PID library (153)
  • Additional materials (154)
  • Summary (154)

Chapter 8. Android sensor networks (155)

  • Construction of a sensor network (156)
  • OpenFrameworks libraries (157)
  • Arduino code (164)
  • Android application (171)
  • Summary (178)

Chapter 9. Arduino application with PIC32 and ATtiny Atmel systems (179)

  • Arduino and non-standard environments (179)
  • The MPIDE environment and the chipKIT PIC32 platform (180)
    • Example: detecting items using the Task Manager service (182)
  • Application of Arduino with ATtiny family (188)
    • The ATtiny 85/45/25 family (189)
    • The ATtiny 84/44/24 family (190)
    • ATtiny 4313 and 2313 (190)
  • Application of Arduino as a system programmer (191)
  • Project: box opened with a cipher (192)
    • What the device does (192)
    • List of materials (193)
  • Summary (196)

Chapter 10. Multiprocessing: greater power of connected Arduino (197)

  • I2C Standard (198)
  • Standard SPI (199)
  • Connection of two devices (199)
    • Configuration of the SPI master device (202)
    • Code verification (203)
    • Interrupt Vectors (203)
    • Configuration of SPI by means of registers (204)
    • Code verification (207)
    • Many slave devices (208)
    • Master mode in the registry (208)
    • Code verification (209)
  • Bipolar symmetrical data bus (209)
    • SABB code (210)
    • Code verification (213)
    • Connection of SABB and SPI devices (213)
  • Migrating to Mega (214)
  • Recommended assembly practices (215)
  • Summary (216)

Chapter 11. Creating games for Arduino (217)

  • Games suitable for Arduino (217)
  • A simple game (218)
    • Game prototype (219)
    • Game programming (220)
    • Code verification (225)
    • Unfair tricks (225)
  • Better display and graphics (225)
    • Gameduino Library (226)
    • New game. Stack the pile (227)
    • Art (229)
    • Game coding Stack stack (231)
    • Code verification (235)
    • Sounds (236)
    • Some effects (237)
    • Automatic Game Programming (238)
    • Last touches (241)
    • Arcade and other games (242)
  • Summary (242)

Chapter 12. Our own libraries for Arduino (243)

  • What you need to know to write your own library (243)
    • Creating a simple library (245)
  • Creating a Motor Library (249)
  • Anatomy of the Arduino library folder (254)
    • Examples folder (255)
    • License (255)
    • The keywords.txt file (255)
    • Installation of Arduino libraries (256)
    • Use of Arduino libraries (256)
  • Arduino objects and library conventions (256)
  • Summary (263)

Chapter 13. Arduino test kit (265)

  • Installing the test suite (266)
  • Starting tests (268)
  • Arduino test result format (270)
    • Section details of the test result (270)
  • Basic functions of the test set (271)
    • The ATS_begin (271) function
    • The ATS_PrintTestStatus function (272)
    • The ATS_end function (272)
    • Using basic functions (272)
  • Built-in tests (273)
  • Arduino derivative plate testing strategies (273)
  • Memory testing (274)
    • Example: testing a memory leak (277)
  • Testing libraries (278)
    • Function test SPI.transfer () (284)
    • SetBitOrder () function test (284)
    • SetClockDivider () function test (285)
    • SetDataMode () function test (285)
    • SPI library test results (286)
  • Summary (286)

Index (287)


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