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Non-Newtonian flows and their numerical simulations have generated an abundant literature, as well as many publications and references to which can be found in this volume's articles. This abundance of publications can be explained by the fact that non-Newtonian fluids occur in many real life situations: the food industry, oil & gas industry, chemical, civil and mechanical engineering, the bio-Sciences, to name just a few. Mathematical and numerical analysis of non-Newtonian fluid flow models provide challenging problems to partial differential equations specialists and applied computational mathematicians alike.
This volume offers investigations. Results and conclusions that will no doubt be useful to engineers and computational and applied mathematicians who are focused on various aspects of non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics.
New review of well-known computational methods for the simulation viscoelastic and viscoplastic types.; Discusses new numerical methods that have proven to be more efficient and more accurate than traditional methods.; Articles that discuss the numerical simulation of particulate flow for viscoelastic fluids.;
Part I: Grade-Two Fluids
Numerical Methods for Grade-Two Fluid Models: Finite-element Discretizations and Algorithms
Part II: Viscoelastic Fluids
The Langevin and Fokker-Planck Equations in Polymer Rheology
Viscoelastic Flows with Complex Free Surfaces: Numerical Analysis and Simulation
Stable Finite Element Discretizations for Viscoelastic Flow Models
Positive Definiteness Preserving Approaches for Viscoelastic Flow of Oldroyd-B Fluids: Applications to a Lid-driven Cavity Flow and a Particulate Flow
Part III: Viscoplastic Fluids
On the Numerical Simulation of Viscoplastic Fluid Flows
Modeling, Simulation and Optmization of Electrorheological Fluids
Igła dozownicza zagięta do precyzyjnej aplikacji kleju, fluxu o średnicy wewnętrznej 0,413mm i średnicy zewnętrznej 0,7176mm
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Sterownik umożliwia niezależne sterowanie dwoma serwomechanizmami modelarskimi za pomocą przycisków lub sygnałów 1/0. Wyprowadzenia pasują do sygnałów serwomechanizmów (SYG, +V, GND), nie ma więc potrzeby stosowania dodatkowych przewodów czy przejściówek. MOD-17.Z
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Zestaw Velleman do samodzielnego montażu ultradźwiękowego detektora nietoperzy. K8118
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Mini Piano Module for micro:bit to rozszerzenie przeznaczone dla płytki micro:bit. Posiada 13 przycisków dotykowych (układem przypominających klawisze pianina) są one obsługiwane przez sterownik TTP229 (interfejs I2C). Piano for micro:bit
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Cyna bezołowiowa Sn99Cu0,7Ag0,3 z topnikiem EVO11, szpula 100 g, średnica 0,25 mm. Cynel SAC307-0.25/100
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