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Preface; Algebra; Partial fractions; Logarithms; Exponential functions; Hyperbolic functions; Arithmetic and geometric progressions; The binomial series; Maclaurin's series; Solving equations by iterative methods; Binary; octal and hexadecimal; Introduction to trigonometry; Cartesian and polar co-ordinates; The circle and its properties; Trigonometric waveforms; Trigonometric identities and equations; The relationship between trigonometric and hyperbolic functions; Compound angles; Functions and their curves; Irregular areas; volumes and mean values of waveforms; Complex numbers; De Moivre's theorem; The theory of matrices and determinants; The solution of simultaneous equations by matrices and determinants; Vectors; Methods of adding alternating waveforms; Scalar and vector products; Methods of differentiation; Some applications of differentiation; Differentiation of parametric equations; Differentiation of implicit functions; Logarithmic differentiation; Differentiation of hyperbolic functions; Differentiation of inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions; Partial differentiation; Total differential; rates of change and small changes; Maxima; minima and saddle points for functions of two variables; Standard integration; Some applications of integration; Integration using algebraic substitutions; Integration using trigonometric and hyperbolic substitutions; Integration using partial fractions; The t = __substitution; Integration by parts; Reduction formulae; Numerical integration; Solution of first order differential equations by separation of variables; Homogeneous first order differential equations; Linear first order differential equations; Numerical methods for first order differential equations; Second order differential equations of the form __; Second order differential equations of the form __; Power series methods of solving ordinary differential equations; An introduction to partial differential equations; Presentation of statistical data; Measures of central tendency and dispersion; Probability; The binomial and Poisson distributions; The normal distribution; Linear correlation; Linear regression; Introduction to Laplace transforms; Properties of Laplace transforms; Inverse Laplace transforms; The solution of differential equations using Laplace transforms; The solution of simultaneous differential equations using Laplace transforms; Fourier series for periodic functions of period 2p ; Fourier series for a non-periodic function over range 2p ; Even and odd functions and half-range Fourier series; Fourier series over any range; A numerical method of harmonic analysis; The complex or exponential form of a Fourier series; Essential formulae; Index
3-kolorowy wyświetlacz e-Paper o przekątnej 1,54" i rozdzielczości 152x152 px. Interfejs SPI. Bez płytki PCB. Waveshare 1.54inch e-Paper (C)
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Przewód z wtykami USB typ A oraz microUSB typ B 2.0, długość przewodu 1,8 m. EQUIP
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Przenośny oscyloskop Smart z 8-calowym wyświetlaczem LCD oraz ekranem dotykowym. Posiada cztery kanały pomiarowe oraz charakteryzuje się dobrymi parametrami pomiarowymi: pasmem 100 MHz, szybkością próbkowania 1 GSa/s oraz buforem pamięci 28 Mpts. Micsig STO1104 Plus
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Płytka drukowana do dozymetru analogowego. AVT314 A
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Moduł rozpoznawania osób z czujnikiem firmy Useful Sensors Inc. Zawiera kamerę oraz układ z zaprogramowanymi algorytmami, które wykrywają twarze i zwracają informacje za pośrednictwem prostego interfejsu I2C. SparkFun SEN-21231
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Silnik firmy Pololu z enkoderem 64 CPR, z przekładnią 50:1, standardowym napięciem pracy 12 V i prędkością 200 rpm. Pololu 2824
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X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 to shield z czujnikami MEMS: akcelerometrem, żyroskopem, magnetometrem, czujnikiem ciśnienia, wilgotności i temperatury. Shield przeznaczony jest do pracy z płytkami z rodziny STM32 Nucleo (złącze zgodne ze standardem Arduino UNO R3). Czujniki używają do komunikacji interfejsu I2C. Dodatkowe złącze pozwala dołączyć kolejne czujniki
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