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- Enkodery
- Generatory DDS/PLL
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- Sterowniki silników
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- Inne
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- Złącza Jack
- Złącza JST
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- Złącza krokodylkowe
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- Złącza RJ-45
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- Raspberry Pi 3 model B
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Modern Information Processing
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The book represents the cultural policy of IPMU conference which is not focused on narrow range of methodologies, but on the contrary welcomes all the theories for the management of uncertainty and aggregation of information in intelligent systems, providing a medium for the exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners in these and related areas.
The book is composed by 7 sections:
.The book contributes to enhancement of our ability to deal effectively with uncertainty in all of its manifestations.
.The book can help to build brigs among theories and methods methods for the management of uncertainty.
.The book addresses issues which have a position of centrality in our information-centric world.
.The book presents interesting results devoted to representing knowledge: the goal is to capture the subtlety of human knowledge (richness) and to allow computer manipulation (formalization).
.The book contributes to the goal: an efficient use of the information for a good decision strategy.
· The book contributes to enhancement of our ability to deal effectively with uncertainty in all of its manifestations.
· The book can help to build brigs among theories and methods methods for the management of uncertainty.
· The book addresses issues which have a position of centrality in our information-centric world.
· The book presents interesting results devoted to representing knowledge: the goal is to capture the subtlety of human knowledge (richness) and to allow computer manipulation (formalization).
· The book contributes to the goal: an efficient use of the information for a good decision strategy.
Foreword. L.A. Zadeh
Entropies, Characterizations, Applications and Some History, J. Aczél
Belief function theory on the continuous space with an application to model based classification, B. Ristic, P.Smets
Independence in conditional possibility theory, G. Coletti, B. Vantaggi
Joint treatment of imprecision and randomness in uncertainty propagation, C. Baudrit, D. Dubois, D. Guyonnet, H. Fargier
Consistency of probabilistic transformations of belief functions, M. Daniel
Randomization and uncertain inference, H. E. Kyburg, Jr., C. M. Teng
An empirical complexity study for a 2CPA solver, M. Baioletti, A. Capotorti, S. Tulipani
Consistency in preference modelling, J-L. García-Lapresta, J. Montero
Transitive decomposition of min-transitive fuzzy preference relations, S. Díaz, B. De Baets, S. Montes
Decision making with fuzzy ternary relations, S. Ovchinnikov
New Consistency properties for preference relations, F. Chiclana, E. Herrera-Viedma, F. Herrera
Management of uncertainty orderings through ASP, A. Capotorti, A. Formisano
Classification and Data Mining
Automating the quality assurance of an on-line knowledge-based classifier by fusing multiple off-line classifiers, P. Bonissone
Qualitative classification with possibilistic decision trees, N. Ben Amor, S. Benferhat, Z.Elouedi
Discovery of abstract knowledge from non-atomic attribute values in fuzzy relations, R. A. Angryk, F. E. Petry
Kernel-based outlier preserving clustering with representativity coefficients, M.J. Lesot
Fuzzy C-medoids clustering models for time-varying data, R. Coppi, P. D'Urso, P. Giordani
Improving the K2 algorithm using association rule parameters, E. Lamma, F. Riguzzi, S. Storari
Aggregation and Multi-Criteria Decision Making
OWA aggregation on an interval argument and operative values, R. Yager
On bi-capacity-based concordance rules in multicriteria decision making, A. Rolland
Information Evaluation in fusion: Formalization of informal recommendations, L. Cholvy
Application of uncertainty-based methods to fuse language identification expert decisions, J. Gutiérrez, J-L Rouas, R. Andre-Obrécht
Intelligent multiattribute decision support model for triage, F. Burstein, J. San Pedro, L. Churilov, J.Wassertheil
Interval-based multicriteria decision making, M. Ceberio, F. Modave
A linguistic hierarchical evaluation model for engineering systems, L. Martínez, L. G. Perez, J. Liu, J.-B.o Yang, F. Herrera
Knowledge Representation
Non monotonic aggregates applying to fuzzy sets in flexible querying, P. Bosc, L. Liétard
Fuzzy spatial data modeling: an extended bitmap approach, J. Verstraete, G. De Tré, A. Hallez
Introducing l-specialization into the fuzzy EER model, G. Chen, L. Lin, X. Guo
A logical reasoning framework for modelling and merging uncertain semi-structured information, A. Hunter, W. Liu
Applied Domains
Machine learning and the prediction of protein structure: the state of the art, R.Casadio, R. Calabrese, E. Capriotti, M. Compiani, P. Fariselli, P. Marani, L. Montanucci, P. L. Martelli, I. Rossi, G. Tasco
Efficient and robust global amino-acid sequence alignment with uncertain evolutionary distance, M. Troffaes
Classifying biomedical spectra using stochastic feature selection and parallelized multi-layer perceptrons, N.J. Pizzi, R.L. Somorjai, W. Pedrycs
On the sensitivity of probabilistic networks to reliability characteristics, L. C. van der Gaag, S. Renooij
Dominance of recognition of words presented on right or left eye -Comparison of Kanji and hiragana, T. Yamanoi, T. Yamazaki, J-L Vercher, E. Sanchez, M. Sugeno
Hand posture recognition with the fuzzy glove, T. Allevard, E. Benoit, L. Foulloy
Image retrieval by composition of regions, J.F. Omhover, M. Detyniecki
Blind Image restoration from multiple views by IMAP estimation, M. Discepoli, I. Gerace, R. Pandolfi
A combined feature extraction method for an electronic nose, I. Hristozov, B.Iliev, S. Eskiizmirliler
Author Index.
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