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- Akcesoria PC
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- Czujniki
- Czujniki 6DOF/9DOF/10DOF
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- Czujniki Halla
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- Czujniki PH
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- Czujniki położenia
- Czujniki prądu
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- Czujniki przyspieszenia (akcelerometry)
- Czujniki ruchu
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- Żyroskopy
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- Elementy pasywne
- Gadżety
- Inteligentne ubrania
- Kamery i akcesoria
- Karty pamięci i inne nośniki danych
- Komunikacja
- LED - diody, wyświetlacze, paski
- Materiały przewodzące
- Moduły elektroniczne
- Akcesoria JTAG
- Audio
- Czytniki kart pamięci
- Czytniki kodów paskowych
- Czytniki linii papilarnych
- Ekspandery linii I/O
- Enkodery
- Generatory DDS/PLL
- Klawiatury, przyciski
- Konwertery CAN
- Konwertery napięć
- Konwertery RS485
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- Konwertery USB - UART / RS232
- Moduły HMI
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- Moduły RTC
- Moduły z wyjściami mocy
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- Obraz i wideo
- Odbiorniki podczerwieni TSOP
- Potencjometry cyfrowe
- Przetworniki A/C i C/A
- Rejestratory danych (data logger)
- Sterowniki LED
- Sterowniki serw
- Sterowniki silników
- Półprzewodniki
- Button
- Czujniki
- Czujniki dotykowe (Touch)
- Diody
- Energy harvesting
- Generatory PLL
- Inne
- Konwertery logiczne
- Liczniki energii
- Mikrokontrolery
- Mikroprocesory DSP
- Mostki prostownicze
- Optotriaki i transoptory
- Pamięci
- Przetworniki a/c (ADC)
- Przetworniki c/a (DAC)
- Sterowniki i mostki IGBT
- Sterowniki LED
- Sterowniki silników
- Syntezery DDS
- Timery
- Tranzystory
- Układy analogowe
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- Układy cyfrowe
- Układy interfejsowe
- Układy programowalne
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- Układy RTC
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- Układy zerujące
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- Zworki
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- Złącza FFC / FPC ZIF
- Złącza goldpin
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- Złącza inne
- Złącza Jack
- Złącza JST
- Złącza koncentryczne (RF)
- Złącza krokodylkowe
- Złącza obrotowe
- Złącza RJ-45
- Złącza szufladowe D-Sub
- Złącza USB
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- Przewody audio-wideo do Raspberry Pi
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- Raspberry Pi 3 model B
- Raspberry Pi 3 model B+
- Raspberry Pi 4 model B
- Raspberry Pi 400
- Raspberry Pi 5
- Raspberry Pi 500
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- Raspberry Pi Zero
- Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W
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- ESP8266
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- micro:bit
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- Particle Photon
- Programatory Segger
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- Raspberry Pi RP2040
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- STM32
- STM32 Discovery
- STM32 MP1
- STM32 Nucleo
- STM8
- Teensy
- WRTNode
- Atmel SAM
Treatise on Geophysics, 11-Volume Set
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This major reference work will aid researchers, advanced undergrad and graduate students, as well as professionals in cutting-edge research that can be conducted easily, with all the relevant information that they need right at their fingertips.
Volume Descriptions:
Volume 1 - Seismology and Structure of the Earth
Edited by: Barbara Romanowicz and Adam Dziewonski
Volume 1 provides an overview of the status of geophysics and is divided into three parts. Part I is devoted to various aspects of seismic wave propagation theory, data analysis and inversion methods, and documents the increasingly important role of numerical computational methods. Part II addresses the internal structure from the crust to the core, considering elastic, anelastic and anisotropic views of the Earth at global and regional scales. And, Part III reviews mineral physics and geodynamics to further progress in the understanding of Earth's internal dynamics and of the forces that drive plate tectonics by combining constraints from different disciplines.
Volume 2 - Mineral Physics
Edited by: G. David Price
Mineral Physics provides the fundamental information needed to interpret deep Earth geophysical data in terms of Earth structure, composition, temperature and dynamics. Containing 23 chapters and divided into three parts, this volume contains summaries of what is known of the mineralogy and chemistry of the deep crust, the upper mantle, the transition zone, the lower mantle and the core of the Earth. It also addresses the underlying theory, techniques, and methods used in mineral physics, as well as, in the final sections of the volume, reviews the major physical properties of deep Earth minerals.
Volume 3 - Geodesy
Edited by: Thomas Herring
Geodesy explores the theory, instrumentation and results from modern geodetic systems. The beginning sections of the volume cover the theory of the Earth's gravity field, the instrumentation for measuring the field, and its temporal variations. The measurements and results obtained from variations in the rotation of the Earth are covered in the sections on short and long period rotation changes. Space based geodetic methods, including the global positioning system (GPS) and Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR), are also examined in detail.
Volume 4 - Earthquake Seismology
Edited by: Hiroo Kanamori
Volume 4 presents the most recent findings on the physics of earthquakes. It includes chapters on seismicity studies from pre-historic periods to the most modern studies on a global scale, deep earthquakes, nucleation, stress transfer, triggering, hydrological processes, and recently discovered slow slips at plate boundaries. It also covers closely related fields including tsunami, volcanic seismology and physics, interaction between solid earth, atmosphere and ionosphere. Discussions on strong-motion seismology and its social implications are also reviewed.
Volume 5 - Geomagnetism
Edited by: Masaru Kono
Geomagnetism presents various aspects of the magnetic field of Earth. After an overview, topics covered include magnetospheric interactions, secular variation, mag-netic induction, archeomagnetism, reversals, excursions, oceanic and continental magnetic anomalies, and long-term behaviors of the magnetic field. The mathematical techniques for treating these phenomena are discussed in detail. The electric and magnetic properties of Earth materials, as well as basic experimental and observational techniques are also described.
Volume 6 - Crustal and Lithosphere Dynamics
Edited by: Anthony B. Watts
Volume 6 brings together the results of studies that are fundamental to our understanding of crust and lithosphere dynamics. It begins with a discussion of plate kinematics and mechanics. Then it considers the evidence from surface heat flow, stress measurements, and magmatism for the thermal and mechanical structure of the lithosphere. Finally, consideration is given to the structural styles of faulting, the deformation of the crust and lithosphere in extensional (e.g. rifting) and compressional (e.g. mountain building) regions, and the implications of plate mechanics for sedimentary basin evolution.
Volume 7 - Mantle Dynamics
Edited by: David Bercovici
Mantle Dynamics provides an in-depth overview of the field of mantle dynamics in its present state. It surveys the physics and fluid dynamics of mantle convection, with theoretical, laboratory and computational methods. The volume also reviews the present understanding of convection in Earth's mantle, including energy sources and thermal evolution, upper-mantle flow, the fate of subducting slabs, hotspots and mantle plumes, and convective mixing and mantle geochemistry.
Volume 8 - Core Dynamics
Edited by: Peter Olson
This volume is a connected account of the dynamics at the heart of our planet. The range of subjects reflects the breadth and the fast pace of research in core dynamics. Topics include structure and composition of the outer and inner core, energetics of the core, convection, rotation, flow and turbulence in the outer core, solidification of the inner core, dynamo theory and numerical dynamo models, magnetic polarity reversals, laboratory experiments on the core and the geodynamo and the interactions between the core and the other parts of the Earth.
Volume 9 - Evolution of the Earth
Edited by: David Stevenson
Volume Nine focuses on the formation of Earth, core and continents, outgassing and volcanism, development of plate tectonics, origin and persistence of Earth's magnetic field, growth of the inner core, changes in mantle convection through time, and impact of biology. The emphasis is on an interdisciplinary viewpoint that emphasizes the interplay of geophysics with other aspects of earth science and evolution. An effort is made to identify the areas where current knowledge is incomplete and alternative histories are possible.
Volume 10 - Planets and Moons
Edited by: Tilman Spohn
Planets and Moons covers topics relating to the physics of the major planetary bodies in the solar system, starting with an introductory description of the solar system and collection of pertinent data, continuing with a discussion of the early history of the planets, and finishing with articles about planet dynamics, thermal evolution of planets and satellites, the thermal evolution of planets and satellites, descriptions of their magnetic fields, and the processes that generate these. In addition to providing a review on the solid planets and the satellites, this volume addresses the interactions of the solid surfaces with the atmospheres as well as the roles of water and ice to shape the surfaces.
Volume 11 - Index Volume
* Self-contained volumes start with an overview of the subject then explores each topic with in depth detail
* Extensive reference lists and cross references with other volumes to facilitate further research
* Full-color figures and tables support the text and aid in understanding
* Content suited for both the expert and non-expert
* Fully searchable text available on Science Direct shortly after publication
Volume 1: Seismology and Structure of the Earth
Volume 2: Mineral Physics
Volume 3: Physical Geodesy
Volume 4: Earthquake Seismology
Volume 5: Geomagnetism
Volume 6: Crustal and Lithosphere Dynamics
Volume 7: Mantle Dynamics
Volume 8: Core Dynamics
Volume 9: Evolution of the Earth
Volume 10: Planets and Moons
Volume 11: Index Volume
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