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Adafruit 2023
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Unlike most of the other temperature sensors we have, this breakout has a really cool IR sensor from TI that can measure the temperature of an object without touching it!
The TMP007 is the latest thermopile sensor from TI, and is an update of the TMP006. The internal math engine does all the temperature calculations so its easier to integrate - you can read the die and target temperatures directly over I2C. The TMP007 also has better transient management, so you don't get as much over/undershoot when the temperature changes a lot.
Simply point the sensor towards what you want to measure and it will detect the temperature by absorbing IR waves emitted. The embedded thermopile sensor generates a very very small voltage depending on how much IR there is, and using some math, that micro voltage can be used to calculate the temperature. It also takes the measurement over an area so it can be handy for determining the average temperature of something.
This sensor comes as a ultra-small 0.5mm pitch BGA, too hard to solder by hand. So we stuck it on an easy-to-work-with breakout board. The sensor works with 2.5V to 5V logic so it requires no logic level shifting. There are two address pins and using a funky method of connecting the pins you can have up to 8 TMP007's connected to one i2c bus. We also include a small piece of 0.1" breakaway header so you can easily solder to and use this sensor on a breadboard. Two mounting holes make it easy to attach to an enclosure.
Of course, we wouldn't just hand you a datasheet and wish you luck, we've written a great tutorial + easy-to-use Arduino library with an example that will have you up and running in 5 minutes. The code can also be ported to any microcontroller with i2c support
Technical Details
Osoba odpowiedzialna BTC Korporacja sp. z o. o. Lwowska 5 05-120 Legionowo Polska sprzedaz@kamami.pl 22 767 36 20
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Adafruit 2023