List of products by brand Adafruit

3.5" display with 480x320 16-bit color pixels and a resistive touch overlay, engineered specifically to work with the newer "2x20 connector" Raspberry Pi\'s. The plate uses the high speed SPI interface on the Pi and can use the mini display as a console, X window port, displaying images or video etc. Adafruit 2441

4 weeks

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9x16 Charlieplexed LEDs designed to match with the Adafruit 16x9 Charlieplexed PWM LED Matrix Driver - IS31FL3731. Color: RED. Adafruit 2947

4 weeks

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5" TFT display with WVGA 800x480 resolution and it has a resistive touchscreen overlay.  This display comes with a driver board with HDMI, VGA, and Composite inputs and USB-enabled 40-pin to 50-pin touchscreen adapter board. Adafruit 2110

4 weeks

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9x16 Charlieplexed LEDs designed to match with the Adafruit 16x9 Charlieplexed PWM LED Matrix Driver - IS31FL3731. Color: GREEN. Adafruit 2972

4 weeks

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9x16 Charlieplexed LEDs designed to match with the Adafruit 16x9 Charlieplexed PWM LED Matrix Driver - IS31FL3731. Color: BLUE. Adafruit 2973

4 weeks

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Adafruit Feather M0 WiFi with uFL - ATSAMD21 + ATWINC1500 is a development board with a 32-bit ATSAMD21G18 microcontroller based on Cortex-M0 core. The board also has an ATWINC1500 module that provides WiFi connectivity. Adafruit 3061

4 weeks

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7" TFT display with 1024x600 resolution, with a small driver board powered from a USB port and HDMI input. The display is very easy to use - simply connect the USB power cable to 5V power supply that can provide 500mA, then connect a digital video source to one of the HDMI port. Adafruit 2300

4 weeks

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2.8" display with 320x240 16-bit color pixels and a capacitive touch overlay fits perfectly onto the Raspberry Pi 3/2/A+/B+. The display and touchscreen uses the hardware I2C Pins (SDA & SCL), SPI pins (SCK, MOSI, MISO, CE0) as well as GPIO #25 and #24. Adafruit 2423

4 weeks

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