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Key Features:
· A unique book concentrated on theory of discrete dynamical systems and its traditional as well as advanced applications to economics.
· Mathematical definitions and theorems are introduced in a systematic and easily accessible way.
· Examples are from almost all fields of economics; technically proceeding from basic to advanced topics.
· Lively illustrations with numerous figures.
· Numerous simulation to see paths of economic dynamics.
· Comprehensive treatment of the subject with a comprehensive and easily accessible approach.
Key Features:
· A unique book concentrated on theory of discrete dynamical systems and its traditional as well as advanced applications to economics.
· Mathematical definitions and theorems are introduced in a systematic and easily accessible way.
· Examples are from almost all fields of economics; technically proceeding from basic to advanced topics.
· Lively illustrations with numerous figures.
· Numerous simulation to see paths of economic dynamics.
· Comprehensive treatment of the subject with a comprehensive and easily accessible approach.
1. Difference equations in economics.
2. Scalar linear difference equations.
3. One-dimensional dynamical economic systems.
4. Time-dependent solutions of scalar systems.
5. Economic bifurcations and chaos.
6. Higher dimensional difference equations.
7. Higher dimensional economic dynamics.
8. Epilogue.
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