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Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry: A Practical Guide
  • Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry: A Practical Guide
ID: 172484
O David Sparkman, Zelda Penton, Fulton Kitson

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The second edition of Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry: A Practical Guide follows the highly successful first edition by F.G. Kitson, B.S. Larsen, and C.N. McEwen (1996). It covers separation conditions for numerous compound types, instructions for the interpretation of mass spectral data, extensive correlations of ion masses and neutral losses with possible structures, and examples of mass spectra to aid in structure determination.

* Covers the practical instruction necessary for successful operation of GC/MS equipment
* Reviews the latest advances in instrumentation, ionization methods, and quantitation
* Includes troubleshooting techniques and a variety of other information useful for the GC/MS practitioner



  1. The Fundamentals of GC/MS

  1. Introduction

  2. Gas Chromatography

  3. The GC/MS Interface

  4. Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation

  5. Mass Spectral Data Interpretation

  6. Quantitation with GC/MS

  1. GC Conditions, Derivatization, and Mass Spectral Interpretation of
    Specific Compound Types

  1. Acids

  2. Alcohols

  3. Aldehydes

  4. Amides

  5. Amines

  6. Amino Acid

  7. Common Contaminants

  8. Drugs and Their Metabolites

  9. Esters

  10. Ethers

  11. Fluorinated Compounds

  12. Gases

  13. Glycols

  14. Halogenated Compounds (Other Than Fluorinated)

  15. Hydrocarbons

  16. Isocyanates

  17. Ketones

  18. Nitriles

  19. Nitroaromatics

  20. Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclics

  21. Nucleosides (TMS Derivatives)

  22. Pesticides

  23. Phenols

  24. Phosphorus Compounds

  25. Plasticizers and Other Polymer Additives (Including Phthalates)

  26. Prostaglandins (MO-TMS Derivatives)

  27. Solvents and Their Impurities

  28. Steroids

  29. Sugars (Monosaccharides)

  30. Sulfur Compounds

  1. Appendices

  1. Definitions of Terms Related to Gas Chromatography

  2. Definitions of Terms Related to Mass Spectrometry

  3. Atomic Masses and Isotope Abundances

  4. Table of X+1 and X+2 Values for Ions Containing Atoms of C and H
    Based on Isotope Contributions

  5. Numerical Listing for Peak Intensities of Ions Containing Atoms of Cl and/or Br

  6. Steps to Follow in the Determination of an Elemental Composition
    Based on Isotope Peak Intensities

  7. Useful Derivatives for GC/MS and Their Effect on Mass Spectra
    of Various Functional Groups

  8. GC/MS or LC/MS

  9. List of Available EI Mass Spectral Databases

  10. List of Information Required for Reporting a GC/MS Analysis

  11. List of Third-Party Data Analysis Software

  12. Installation of a New Instrument

  13. Simple GC Troubleshooting

  14. Maintenance, Operating Tips, and Troubleshooting for Mass Spectrometers

  15. Mixtures for Determining Mass Spectral Resolution

  16. Cross-Index Chart for GC Stationary Phases

  17. Ions for Determining Unknown Structures



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