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To create truly effective human-centric ambient intelligence systems both engineering and computing methods are needed. This is the first book to bridge data processing and intelligent reasoning methods for the creation of human-centered ambient intelligence systems. Interdisciplinary in nature, the book covers topics such as multi-modal interfaces, human-computer interaction, smart environments and pervasive computing, addressing principles, paradigms, methods and applications.
This book will be an ideal reference for university researchers, R&D engineers, computer engineers, and graduate students working in signal, speech and video processing, multi-modal interfaces, human-computer interaction and applications of ambient intelligence.
Hamid Aghajan is a Professor of Electrical Engineering (consulting) at Stanford University, USA. His research is on user-centric vision applications in smart homes, assisted living / well being, smart meetings, and avatar-based social interactions. He is Editor-in-Chief of "Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments", has chaired ACM/IEEE ICDSC 2008, and organized workshops/sessions/tutorials at ECCV, ACM MM, FG, ECAI, ICASSP, CVPR.
Juan Carlos Augusto is a Lecturer at the University of Ulster, UK. He is conducting research on Smart Homes and Classrooms. He has given tutorials at IJCAI'07 and AAAI'08. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Book Series on "Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments" and the "Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments". He has co-Chaired ICOST'06, AITAmI'06/07/08, and is Workshops Chair for IE'09.
Ramón López-Cózar Delgado is a Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Telecommunications of the University of Granada, Spain. His research interests include speech recognition and understanding, dialogue management and Ambient Intelligence. He is a member of ISCA (International Speech Communication Association), SEPLN (Spanish Society on Natural Language Processing) and AIPO (Spanish Society on HCI).
Preface; Face to face collaborative interfaces; Computer vision interfaces for interactive art; Ubiquitous gaze: Using gaze at the interface; Exploiting natural language generation in scene interpretation; The language of action: A new tool for human-centric interfaces; Robust speech recognition under noisy ambient conditions; Speaker recognition in smart environments; Machine learning approaches to spoken language understanding; The role of spoken dialogue in user-environment interaction; Speech synthesis in ambient intelligence environments; Tangible interfaces for ambient augmented reality applications; Physical browsing and selection: Easy interaction with ambient services; Non-symbolic gestural interaction for ambient intelligence; Evaluation of multimodal interfaces for ambient intelligence; New frontiers in machine learning for predictive user modeling; Games and entertainment in ambient intelligence environments; Natural and implicit information seeking cues in responsive technology; Interaction in intelligent environments; Deploying context-aware home health technology: Human-centric challenges; Epilogue: Applications outlook
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PmodIA, moduł analizatora impedancji, SMA, AD5933, zakres pomiarowy 100 - 10 MΩ. Digilent 410-246
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Szybkozłączka pozwalająca na połączenie dwóch żył przewodów o średnicy 0,35 do 0,9 mm. Służą do szybkiego i precyzyjnego łączenia żył kabli telefonicznych czy skrętki komputerowej (UTP, FTP). UY*2 4CI-2007
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Zestaw AVT do samodzielnego montażu zdalnego włącznika radiowego. AVT5590 B
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Tulejka dystansowa walcowa o średnicy wewnętrznej 3.3mm i zewnętrznej 5mm, długość tulejki 12mm. Tulejka wykonana z nylonu. Zestaw zawiera 25 sztuk. Pololu 1985
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Igła dozownicza zagięta do precyzyjnej aplikacji kleju, fluxu o średnicy wewnętrznej 1,60mm i średnicy zewnętrznej 2,108mm
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Zestaw AVT do samodzielnego montażu zameka szyfrowego Lock. AVT5601 B
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Karta rozszerzeń NAS dla komputera Orange Pi Zero. Moduł pozwala na dołączenie dysku SATA (lub MSATA - np. SSD), ma dwa złącza USB2.0, wyjście A/V i wbudowany mikrofon. W zestawie z tulejkami dystansowymi, pozwalającymi na łatwy montaż do OPi Zero. Orange Pi Zero NAS
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Wyświetlacz LCD 2x16, 80x36mm, FSTN NEGATIVE, LED backlight (amber), enhanced temperature range, RoHS
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Shield dla STM32 Nucleo z modułem WiFi b/g/n SPWF01SA. Firmware modułu pozwala na pracę jako klient oraz serwer UDP/TCP, serwer WWW, obsługuje protokoły TCP/IP, TLS/SSL. Dostępnych jest 16 linii GPIO
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