- Obecnie brak na stanie
- Kategorie główne
- Akcesoria PC
- Chłodzenie
- Czujniki
- Czujniki 6DOF/9DOF/10DOF
- Czujniki ciśnienia
- Czujniki gazów
- Czujniki Halla
- Czujniki jakości cieczy
- Czujniki jakości powietrza
- Czujniki magnetyczne (kompasy)
- Czujniki medyczne
- Czujniki nacisku
- Czujniki odbiciowe
- Czujniki odległości
- Czujniki PH
- Czujniki podczerwieni
- Czujniki poziomu cieczy
- Czujniki położenia
- Czujniki prądu
- Czujniki przepływu
- Czujniki przyspieszenia (akcelerometry)
- Czujniki ruchu
- Czujniki światła i koloru
- Czujniki temperatury
- Czujniki wibracji
- Czujniki wilgotności gleby
- Czujniki wilgotności powietrza
- Żyroskopy
- Drukarki
- Elementy pasywne
- Gadżety
- Inteligentne ubrania
- Kamery i akcesoria
- Karty pamięci i inne nośniki danych
- Komunikacja
- LED - diody, wyświetlacze, paski
- Materiały przewodzące
- Moduły elektroniczne
- Akcesoria JTAG
- Audio
- Czytniki kart pamięci
- Czytniki kodów paskowych
- Czytniki linii papilarnych
- Ekspandery linii I/O
- Enkodery
- Generatory DDS/PLL
- Klawiatury, przyciski
- Konwertery CAN
- Konwertery napięć
- Konwertery RS485
- Konwertery USB - I2C / 1-Wire / SPI
- Konwertery USB - UART / RS232
- Moduły HMI
- Moduły pamięci
- Moduły RTC
- Moduły z wyjściami mocy
- Moduły zasilające
- Obraz i wideo
- Odbiorniki podczerwieni TSOP
- Potencjometry cyfrowe
- Przetworniki A/C i C/A
- Rejestratory danych (data logger)
- Sterowniki LED
- Sterowniki serw
- Sterowniki silników
- Półprzewodniki
- Button
- Czujniki
- Czujniki dotykowe (Touch)
- Diody
- Energy harvesting
- Generatory PLL
- Inne
- Konwertery logiczne
- Liczniki energii
- Mikrokontrolery
- Mikroprocesory DSP
- Mostki prostownicze
- Optotriaki i transoptory
- Pamięci
- Przetworniki a/c (ADC)
- Przetworniki c/a (DAC)
- Sterowniki i mostki IGBT
- Sterowniki LED
- Sterowniki silników
- Syntezery DDS
- Timery
- Tranzystory
- Układy analogowe
- Układy audio
- Układy cyfrowe
- Układy interfejsowe
- Układy programowalne
- Układy RF
- Układy RTC
- Układy SoC
- Układy zasilające
- Układy zerujące
- Zabezpieczenia ESD
- Przekaźniki
- Przetworniki dźwięku
- Przewody
- Przewody świecące i akcesoria
- Przełączniki i przyciski
- Płytki prototypowe
- Wizja maszynowa (MV)
- Wyświetlacze
- Złącza
- Adaptery USB PD do laptopów
- Gniazda do kart pamięci
- Igły testowe (pogo pin)
- Konektory
- Podstawki
- Szybkozłącza
- Zworki
- Złącza ARK (Terminal Block)
- Złącza FFC / FPC ZIF
- Złącza goldpin
- Złącza IDC
- Złącza inne
- Złącza Jack
- Złącza JST
- Złącza koncentryczne (RF)
- Złącza krokodylkowe
- Złącza obrotowe
- Złącza RJ-45
- Złącza szufladowe D-Sub
- Złącza USB
- Złącza zasilania DC
- Akcesoria PC
- Akcesoria do Raspberry Pi
- Chłodzenie do Raspberry Pi
- Kamery do Raspberry Pi
- Karty pamięci do Raspberry Pi
- Moduły rozszerzające do Raspberry Pi
- Obudowy do Raspberry Pi
- Prototypowanie Raspberry Pi
- Przewody audio-wideo do Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi 3 model A+
- Raspberry Pi 3 model B
- Raspberry Pi 3 model B+
- Raspberry Pi 4 model B
- Raspberry Pi 400
- Raspberry Pi 5
- Raspberry Pi 500
- Raspberry Pi Compute Module
- Raspberry Pi model A/B+/2
- Raspberry Pi Pico
- Raspberry Pi Zero
- Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W
- Wyświetlacze do Raspberry Pi
- Zasilanie do Raspberry Pi
- Chemia
- Elektronarzędzia
- Igły dozownicze
- Imadła
- Kleje i klejarki
- Listwy zasilające
- Lutowanie
- Akcesoria do lutowania
- Akcesoria SMD
- Chemia lutownicza
- Cyna
- Gąbki i czyściki
- Groty do lutownic
- Grzałki oraz kolby lutownicze
- Kulki BGA
- Laminaty
- Lutownice kolbowe
- Lutownice przenośne
- Maty i akcesoria antystatyczne (ESD)
- Myjki ultradźwiękowe
- Odsysacze do usuwania cyny
- Opalarki
- Pasty lutownicze
- Pędzle i szczotki ESD
- Plecionki do usuwania cyny
- Podgrzewacze
- Podstawki pod lutownice
- Silikonowe maty do lutowania
- Stacje lutownicze
- Tygle lutownicze
- Uchwyty, lupy
- Mikroskopy
- Miniwiertarki, miniszlifierki
- Narzędzia
- Noże i nożyczki
- Okulary ochronne
- Organizery
- Pęsety
- Plotery i Frezarki CNC
- Rurki termokurczliwe
- Ściągacze izolacji
- Taśmy
- Zaciskarki
- Zasilacze laboratoryjne
- Chemia
- Atmel SAM
- Atmel Xplain
- DFRobot FireBeetle
- ESP32
- ESP8266
- Feather / Thing Plus
- Freedom (Kinetis)
- Google Coral
- Inne zestawy uruchomieniowe
- M5Stack
- micro:bit
- Moduły peryferyjne
- Nordic nRF
- Particle Photon
- Programatory Segger
- Programatory uniwersalne
- Raspberry Pi RP2040
- Seeed Studio LinkIt
- Sparkfun MicroMod
- STM32
- STM32 Discovery
- STM32 MP1
- STM32 Nucleo
- STM8
- Teensy
- WRTNode
- Atmel SAM
Why Programs Fail
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The fully updated second edition includes 100+ pages of new material, including new chapters on Verifying Code, Predicting Erors, and Preventing Errors. Cutting-edge tools such as FindBUGS and AGITAR are explained, techniques from integrated environments like Jazz.net are highlighted, and all-new demos with ESC/Java and Spec#, Eclipse and Mozilla are included.
This complete and pragmatic overview of debugging is authored by Andreas Zeller, the talented researcher who developed the GNU Data Display Debugger(DDD), a tool that over 250,000 professionals use to visualize the data structures of programs while they are running. Unlike other books on debugging, Zeller's text is product agnostic, appropriate for all programming languages and skill levels.
The book explains best practices ranging from systematically tracking error reports, to observing symptoms, reproducing errors, and correcting defects. It covers a wide range of tools and techniques from hands-on observation to fully automated diagnoses, and also explores the author's innovative techniques for isolating minimal input to reproduce an error and for tracking cause and effect through a program. It even includes instructions on how to create automated debugging tools.
The text includes exercises and extensive references for further study, and a companion website with source code for all examples and additional debugging resources is available.
*The new edition of this award-winning productivity-booster is for any developer who has ever been frustrated by elusive bugs
*Brand new chapters demonstrate cutting-edge debugging techniques and tools, enabling readers to put the latest time-saving developments to work for them
*Learn by doing. New exercises and detailed examples focus on emerging tools, languages and environments, including AGITAR, FindBUGS, Python and Eclipse.
Amended Table of Contents
The * denotes additions/changes for the proposed second edition. For brevity, second-level sections are omitted from the list. Please note that there are also recurring end-of-chapter sections: Concepts, Tools, Further Reading, and Exercises.
Table of Contents
* Include a list of "How To's" as indicated in appropriate chapters
About the Author
* What's new in the second edition
1 How Failures Come to Be
1.1 My Program Does Not Work!
* New section "Facts on Bugs" - highlighting recent empirical findings
1.2 From Defects to Failures
1.3 Lost in Time and Space
1.4 From Failures to Fixes
1.5 Automated Debugging Techniques
1.6 Bugs, Faults, or Defects?
* New section "Learning From Mistakes" - pointing to the later chapter
2 Tracking Problems
2.1 Oh! All These Problems
2.2 Reporting Problems
2.3 Managing Problems
2.4 Classifying Problems
2.5 Processing Problems
2.6 Managing Problem Tracking
2.7 Requirements as Problems
2.8 Managing Duplicates
* New section "Collecting Problem Data" - laying the foundation for later investigation
2.9 Relating Problems and Fixes
2.10 Relating Problems and Tests
* 2.9 and 2.10 will be merged into a new section "A Concert of Activities", focusing on integrated environments like Jazz.net
3 Making Programs Fail
3.1 Testing for Debugging
3.2 Controlling the Program
3.3 Testing at the Presentation Layer
3.4 Testing at the Functionality Layer
3.5 Testing at the Unit Layer
3.6 Isolating Units
3.7 Designing for Debugging
* Expand on "design for diagnosability", esp. for embedded systems
3.8 Preventing Unknown Problems
* This section will be deleted and replaced with a whole new chapter 18
4 Reproducing Problems
4.1 The First Task in Debugging
4.2 Reproducing the Problem Environment
4.3 Reproducing Program Execution
4.4 Reproducing System Interaction
4.5 Focusing on Units
* Expand reflecting latest research results
5 Simplifying Problems
5.1 Simplifying the Problem
5.2 The Gecko BugAThon
5.3 Manual Simplification
5.4 Automatic Simplification
5.5 A Simplification Algorithm
5.6 Simplifying User Interaction
5.7 Random Input Simplified
5.8 Simplifying Faster
6 Scientific Debugging
6.1 How to Become a Debugging Guru
6.2 The Scientific Method
6.3 Applying the Scientific Method
6.4 Explicit Debugging
6.5 Keeping a Logbook
6.6 Debugging Quick-and-Dirty
6.7 Algorithmic Debugging
6.8 Deriving a Hypothesis
6.9 Reasoning About Programs
7 Deducing Errors
* This chapter will be renamed to "Tracking Dependences"
7.1 Isolating Value Origins
7.2 Understanding Control Flow
7.3 Tracking Dependences
7.4 Slicing Programs
7.5 Deducing Code Smells
* Move to new chapter 11 "Verifying Code"
7.6 Limits of Static Analysis
* Move to new chapter 11 "Verifying Code"
8 Observing Facts
8.1 Observing State
8.2 Logging Execution
8.3 Using Debuggers
8.4 Querying Events
8.5 Visualizing State
9 Tracking Origins
9.1 Reasoning Backwards
* Update with recent commercial tools
9.2 Exploring Execution History
9.3 Dynamic Slicing
9.4 Leveraging Origins
* Expand to use latest tools by Ko et al. as well as Gupta et al.
9.5 Tracking Down Infections
10 Asserting Expectations
10.1 Automating Observation
10.2 Basic Assertions
* Explain "design by contract" and its principles
10.3 Asserting Invariants
* Expand on integrating contracts with inheritance
10.4 Asserting Correctness
10.5 Assertions as Specifications
10.6 From Assertions to Verification
* Move to its own chapter "Verifying Code"
10.7 Reference Runs
* Move to "Verifying Code"
10.8 System Assertions
10.9 Checking Production Code
* Expand discussion; consider checking preconditions only
* New Chapter 11 Verifying Code, Why does my Code smell?
* Highlight tools like FindBUGS
* Defects as Abnormal Behavior
* Discuss work by Engler et al.
Assertions as Specifications
From Assertions to Verification- moved from 10.6
* Show the integration of ESC/Java and Spec# (with demos)
Reference Runs0 moved from 10.7
* Limits of Static Analysis
12 Detecting Anomalies
12.1 Capturing Normal Behavior
12.2 Comparing Coverage
12.3 Statistical Debugging
* Include and reflect recent work
* Integrate machine learning approaches
* Refer to the iBugs library
12.4 Collecting Data in the Field
12.5 Dynamic Invariants
* Discuss the AGITAR tool
12.6 Invariants on the Fly
12.7 From Anomalies to Defects
13 Causes and Effects
13.1 Causes and Alternate Worlds
13.2 Verifying Causes
13.3 Causality in Practice
13.4 Finding Actual Causes
13.5 Narrowing Down Causes
13.6 A Narrowing Example
13.7 The Common Context
13.8 Causes in Debugging
14 Isolating Failure Causes
14.1 Isolating Causes Automatically
14.2 Isolating versus Simplifying
14.3 An Isolation Algorithm
14.4 Implementing Isolation
14.5 Isolating Failure-inducing Input
14.6 Isolating Failure-inducing Schedules
14.7 Isolating Failure-inducing Changes
* Update to recent tools and screenshots
14.8 Problems and Limitations
15 Isolating Cause-Effect Chains
15.1 Useless Causes
15.2 Capturing Program States
15.3 Comparing Program States
15.4 Isolating Relevant Program States
15.5 Isolating Cause-Effect Chains
15.6 Isolating Failure-inducing Code
15.7 Issues and Risks
* Discuss how to recreate state via method calls
* New project in Python
16 Fixing the Defect
16.1 Locating the Defect
16.2 Focusing on the Most Likely Errors
16.3 Validating the Defect
16.4 Correcting the Defect
16.5 Workarounds
16.6 Learning from Mistakes
* This becomes its own chapter 17
* New chapter 17 Learning from Mistakes
*17.1 Measuring effort and damage We want to know how much effort and cost went into each problem
*17.2 Leveraging software archives Collect data from problem and change databases; access more of them
*17.3 Mapping errors Which components have had the most errors in the past? Demonstrate using Eclipse and Mozilla data
*17.4 Predicting errors Which components will have the most errors in the future?
*17.5 What is it that makes software complex? Complexity of code; lack of quality assurance; changing requirements... and how to measure this
*17.6 Digging for more data Goal-Question-Metric approach; experience factory
*17.7 Continuous Improvement Space Shuttle Software
* New chapter 18 Preventing Errors
18.1 Keep Things Simple General principles of good design and coding
18.2 Know what to do Pragmatic specification (design by contract, assertions)
18.3 Know how to check General principles of quality assurance
18.4 Learn from mistakes As laid out in (new) Section 16; integrated with earlier principles
18.5 Improve process and product- keep on challenging yourself
Appendix: Formal Definitions
A.1 Delta Debugging
A.2 Memory Graphs
A.3 Cause-Effect Chains
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