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This is the first authored comprehensive and integrated introduction to game theory and its application to wireless communications. The book starts with a guide to the essential principles of game theory relevant to the communications engineer, giving tools that can be used to develop applications in wireless communications. It then shows how game theory can be applied to distributed resource allocation in a perfect world. Having clarified how the theory can be applied in principle, the book then gives practical methods of implementing for the real world, showing how the models in the perfect world need to be adapted to real life situations which are far from perfect.
Part A: Games with Complete Information
A1. A Short Tour of Game Theory
A2. Playing with Equilibria in Static Non-Cooperative Games
A3. Moving from Static to Dynamic Games
A4. Cooperative Games
Part B: Relaxing the Complete Information and Rationality Assumptions
B1. Games with Incomplete Information
B2. Learning from Partial but Exact Quantities
B3. Learning from Uncertain Quantities
B4. More about Learning in Wireless Networks
Part C: Case Studies
C1. Fundamentals of Wireless Communications
C2. Energy-Efficient Power Control Games
C3. Rate-Efficient Power Allocation Games
C4. Medium Access Control Games
Part D: Appendices
D1. Review of Mathematical Notions
D2. Random Matrix Cookbook
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