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This is the first comprehensive introduction to computational learning theory. The author's uniform presentation of fundamental results and their applications offers AI researchers a theoretical perspective on the problems they study. The book presents tools for the analysis of probabilistic models of learning, tools that crisply classify what is and is not efficiently learnable. After a general introduction to Valiant's PAC paradigm and the important notion of the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension, the author explores specific topics such as finite automata and neural networks. The presentation is intended for a broad audience--the author's ability to motivate and pace discussions for beginners has been praised by reviewers. Each chapter contains numerous examples and exercises, as well as a useful summary of important results. An excellent introduction to the area, suitable either for a first course, or as a component in general machine learning and advanced AI courses. Also an important reference for AI researchers.
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Moduł zaprojektowany dla Banana Pi, bazuje na układzie Maxim MAX232, ma wudowane złącze DB9. Napięcie pracy wynosi 5 V. Nazwa producenta: BPI-UART expand module
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Zestaw AVT do samodzielnego montażu nakręcanego minutnika z sygnalizatorem akustycznym. AVT3143 B
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HK Turnigy DST-1200 Brushless Bell Motor 1200kv (21974)
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Pololu RP5/Rover 5 Expansion Plate RRC07A (Narrow) Transparent Gray
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Dysk SSD Hynix o pojemności 128 GB. Wyposażony został w interfejs NVMe PCIe 3.0 ze złączem M.2 B&M Key. Hynix HFM128GDHTNG-8310A
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ARM7TDMI, 256kB Flash (ISP), 58kB RAM, USB 2.0, 2xCAN, 4xUART, 3xI2C, SPI, 2xSSP, 10-bit ADC, 10-bit DAC, Ethernet 10/100, I2S, LQFP100
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Multimetr pozwalający zmierzyć napięcie AC/DC, prąd AC/DC, rezystancję, pojemność, temperaturę oraz indukcyjność. Miernik jest wyposażony w automatyczne podświetlenie wyświetlacza, buzzer oraz funkcję Hold. Uni-T UT50D
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