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Fully programmable reader (PCD) emulator, simulator to characterize, test and certify contactless cards for ISO 14443, ISO 15693, NFC and FeliCa conformity
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ProxiLAB3 provides fully configurable signal emulation for testing NFC capable systems and components that use 13.56 Mhz signalling protocols in active, passive and peer-to-peer modes of operation. This includes, as options, the choice to emulate signals using:
Advanced Emulation, Connectivity & Control Features
ProxiLAB3 offers the most complete range of signal control and measurement features for testing NFC systems and components including modification of probe/antenna parameters from software, tuning of retro-modulation, loading effect, resonant frequency, analog signal view, wave form drawing, programmable carrier frequency, modulation index control, RF field, resonant frequency, Q factor measurement and much more.
These capabilities combine with a complete range of hardware connectivity and control features to make the ProxiLAB3 the most powerful and versatile reader test platform on the market today with:
Complete software package
ProxiLAB features a highly configurable RF interface, programmable modulator / demodulator and an embedded logic analyzer. With the RGPA software environment, it provides full, easy control of the complete range of analog and protocol parameters (bit rate, modulation, timing EOF/SOF, ...). In addition, users can benefit from RScript test script editor, debugger and player to develop, run and maintain their own test scenarios.
What to Order for NFC Testing
ProxiLAB capabilities are determined by a set of firmware options. This allows users to order the functionality they need - reader and/or emulator capability with digital or digital and analog level signal control, supporting ISO14443 only or NFC, ISO14443, ISO15693 and FeliCa.
For complete information about available options, product availability and pricing, please KEOLABS or one of our smart card tool distributors.
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Fully programmable reader (PCD) emulator, simulator to characterize, test and certify contactless cards for ISO 14443, ISO 15693, NFC and FeliCa conformity