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MYC-SAM9G15 CPU module, MYIR
darmowa wysyłka na terenie Polski dla wszystkich zamówień powyżej 500 PLN
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MYC-SAM9G15 CPU module is a single board computer base ATMEL AT91SAM9G15 ARM9 processor working at 400MHZ. It integrates all core components and memories and plugged on base board by SODIMM200 connector to combine as MYD-SAM9G15 development board. It carries 128MB DDR2 SDRAM, 256MB NandFlash and 4MB DataFlash to build a minimal CPU sub-system for evaluation and development.
The CPU module also been called as core board, CPU core module or CPU board.
The CPU module extended periphery signals and get power supply by SODIMM200 connector, it’s easy for user to make a base board with custom interfaces and plug on CPU module directly to make a full solution.
MYC-SAM9G15 shares the same PCB circuitry with other ones in MYC-SAM9X5 CPU module series.
MYC-SAM9X5 CPU Modules series have five types (click to see):
MYC-SAM9G15 CPU module
MYC-SAM9G25 CPU module
MYC-SAM9G35 CPU module
MYC-SAM9X25 CPU module
MYC-SAM9X35 CPU module
All the five CPU modules compatible with ATMEL official SAM9X5-EK and can work on SAMX5-EK’s main board directly. MYC-SAM9G15 CPU Module specifications
Board features
Noted: MYD-SAM9X5 board base ATMEL ARM9 processor, mainly focus on industrial application working in harsh environment, the board with its components are industrial level can work in -40°~+85°. If the products you are developing is cost sensitive and working at 0°~+70°, please contact us for new quotation, we can replace with some non-industrial components to cut down cost for your requirement.
The CPU module serves as a minimal CPU sub-system with developed hardware and software resource. It help users to evaluation,customization and develop a reliable product by embed the MYC-SAM9G15 CPU module directly, cut down design time and material cost effectively.
Download this file to see more details refer to MYD-SAM9X5 development board
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Osoba odpowiedzialna BTC Korporacja sp. z o. o. Lwowska 5 05-120 Legionowo Polska sprzedaz@kamami.pl 22 767 36 20
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MYC-SAM9G15 CPU module, MYIR