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Dual VNH2SP30 Motor Driver Carrier MD03A
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Dual VNH2SP30 Motor Driver Carrier MD03A
If you are looking to drive two high-power motors through one compact unit, these dual VNH2SP30 motor driver carriers are perfect for you. With these boards, it’s easy to get a medium-sized, differential drive robot running in no time. For even better control, the VNH2 version includes current sensing and can operate a higher PWM frequency (20 KHz) than its VNH3 counterpart.
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The Pololu dual high-power motor drivers are compact carriers for the VNH3SP30 and VNH2SP30 motor driver integrated circuits from ST. The board incorporates most of the components of the typical application diagram on page 8 of the VNH2SP30 datasheet, including pull-up and current-limiting resistors and a FET for reverse battery protection. (The current sense circuit is populated on both versions of the board, but only the VNH2SP30 supports current sense.) To keep the number of I/O lines down, the two enable/diagnostic lines on each chip are tied together. All you need to add is a microcontroller or other control circuit to turn the H-Bridges on and off.
Please note that we offer several other products based on these same chips, including single carrier boards for controlling one motor, the qik 2s12v10 dual serial motor controller, the TReX motor controller, the jrk 12v12 USB motor controller with feedback, and the Orangutan X2 robot controller. We also have a family of higher-power motor drivers that can deliver more current over a wider operating voltage range.
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In a typical application, the power connections are made on one end of the board, and the control connections are made on the other end. +5 volts must be supplied to the board through the smaller 0.1"-spaced pins; the input voltage is available at those pins as well, but the connection is not intended for currents exceeding a few amps. The diagnostic pins can be left disconnected if you do not want to monitor the fault conditions of the motor drivers. INA and INB control the direction of each motor, and the PWM pins turns the motors on or off. For the VNH2SP30 version, the current sense (CS) pins will output approximately 0.13 volts per amp of output current. If you want to add current sensing to the VNH3SP30 version, or if you want higher-accuracy current sensing with the VNH2SP30 version, please consider our ±30A ACS714 current sensor carrier.
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The dual motor driver PCB includes provisions for installing up to three large capacitors to limit disturbances on the main power line. Two 10mm radial capacitors may be mounted between the motor driver ICs, and an axial capacitor may be mounted between the ICs and power connections. It is generally not necessary to use all three capacitors; two radial capacitors are included with each unit. For applications that require a low profile, a single capacitor can be installed on its side as shown in the picture to the right.
Note: A 15-pin male header, three 2-pin terminal blocks, and two electrolytic capacitors are included but not soldered onto the boards. No printed documentation is shipped with these items; please see the VNH3SP30 and VNH2SP30 datasheets linked under the Resources tab.
VNH3SP30 | VNH2SP30 | |
Operating supply voltage (Vcc) | 5.5 – 36 V* | 5.5 – 16 V |
Maximum current rating | 30 A | 30 A |
MOSFET on-resistance (per leg) | 34 mΩ | 19 mΩ |
Maximum PWM frequency | 10 kHz | 20 kHz |
Current sense | none | approximately 0.13 V/A |
Over-voltage shutoff | 36 V* | 16 V minimum (19 V typical) |
Time to overheat at 20 A** | 8 seconds | 35 seconds |
Time to overheat at 15 A** | 30 seconds | 150 seconds |
Current for infinite run time** | 9 A | 14 A |
*Manufacturer specification. In our experience, shoot-through currents make PWM operation impractical above 16 V.
**Typical results using Pololu motor driver carrier with 100% duty cycle at room temperature.
The motor drivers have maximum current ratings of 30 A continuous. However, the chips by themselves will overheat at lower currents (see table above for typical values). The actual current you can deliver will depend on how well you can keep the motor drivers cool. The carrier printed circuit board is designed to draw heat out of the motor driver chips, but performance can be improved by adding a heat sink. In our tests, we were able to deliver short durations (on the order of milliseconds) of 30 A and several seconds of 20 A without overheating. At 6 A, the chip gets just barely noticeably warm to the touch. For high-current installations, the motor and power supply wires should also be soldered directly instead of going through the supplied terminal blocks, which are rated for up to 15 A.
This product can get hot enough to burn you long before the chip overheats. Take care when handling this product and other components connected to it.
Many motor controllers or speed controllers can have peak current ratings that are substantially higher than the continuous current rating; this is not the case with these motor drivers, which have a 30 A continuous rating and over-current protection that can kick in as low as 30 A (45 A typical). Therefore, the stall current of your motor should not be more than 30 A. (Even if you expect to run at a much lower average current, the motor can still draw high currents when it is starting or if you use low duty cycle PWM to keep the average current down.)
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Schematic of the Pololu Dual High Current Motor Driver Carrier |
Osoba odpowiedzialna BTC Korporacja sp. z o. o. Lwowska 5 05-120 Legionowo Polska sprzedaz@kamami.pl 22 767 36 20
Automotive fully integrated H-bridge motor driver, MultiPowerSO-30, STM, RoHS
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DRV8834 Low-Voltage Stepper Motor Driver Carrier
Dwukanałowy sterownik silników DC zasilany napięciem od 2,5 do 12 V o maksymalnym prądzie ciągłym 0,8 A na kanał. Może sterować bipolarnym silnikiem krokowym
Sterownik silników DC, który pozwala na kontrolowanie ruchu dwóch napędów za pomocą interfejsu I2C. Płytka z przylutowanymi złączami. Pololu 5039
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Nakładka do STM32 Nucleo ze sterownikiem niskonapięciowego, trójfazowego silnika BLDC. Shield oparty jest na układzie STSPIN233. Świetnie nadaje się do sterowania silnikami w aplikacjach mobilnych, takich jak roboty, zabawki oraz drukarki termiczne. Nakładka wyposażona jest w złącze zgodne ze standardem Arduino UNO R3. X-NUCLEO-IHM17M1
A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier with Voltage Regulators
X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 to płytka rozszerzeń ze sterownikiem trójfazowego bezszczotkowego silnika zasilanym napięciem w zakresie 7-45 V o maksymalnym prądzie wyjściowym 1,5 A w każdym z kanałów. Kompatybilny z STM32 Nucleo. X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1
Sterownik silnika prądu stałego (DC) o napięciu pracy 4,5-28V i maksymalnym prądzie ciągłym 2,6A. Posiada możliwość łatwej realizacji pętli sprzężenia zwrotnego oraz liczne interfejsy sterujące. Pololu 3142
Sterownik silników krokowych, który może pracować z napięciem z zakresu od 24 do 110 VDC lub od 18 do 80 VAC oraz maksymalnym prądem do 8,4 A. Umożliwia konfigurację mikro kroku w zakresie od 2 do 256. 2DM860H
Moduł sterownika silnika krokowego DRV8711 zasilanego napięciem 8-50V i prądzie pracy 4A. Sterownik pozwala na kontrolowanie ruchu silnika aż z 9 różnymi rozdzielczościami. Konfiguracja poprzez interfejs SPI. Pololu 3730
Dwukanałowy sterownik silników DC z interfejsem I2C. Jest zasilany napięciem od 1,8 V do 22 V i może dostarczyć prąd o natężeniu do 1,6 A na silnik. Płytka ze złączami do montażu. Pololu 5079
Shield do STM32 Nucleo pozwalający na dodanie możliwości obsługi trójfazowego silnika bezszczotkowego (BLDC) lub synchronicznego z magnesami trwałymi (PMSM). Do sterowania wykorzystuje układ L6230. X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1
Sterownik silnika prądu stałego (DC) o napięciu pracy 6,5-40V i maksymalnym prądzie ciągłym 21A. Posiada możliwość łatwej realizacji pętli sprzężenia zwrotnego oraz liczne interfejsy sterujące. Pololu 3149
Moduł sterownika silnika o dużej mocy, działa w oparciu o układy BTS7960B firmy Infineon. Maksymalny prąd sterownika: 43 A, zakres napięć pracy: 5,5V - 27V. Moduł ma radiator i może być sterowany z poziomu Arduino, Raspberry Pi, STM. IBT_2
Adafruit Motorshield to shield umożliwiający łatwe sterowanie silnikami DC, krokowymi oraz serwomechanizmami przy pomocy Arduino. Zawiera sterowniki silników DC, krokowych oraz wyjścia do sterowania serwomechanizmami. Umożliwia adresowanie oraz łączenie ekspanderów (do 32) i sterowanie przy pomocy jednej płytki Arduino. Adafruit 1438
Moduł ze sterownikiem silnika DC DRV8256E. Może współpracować z silnikami zasilanymi napięciem od 4,5 do 48 V i poborze prądu do 1,9 A. Pololu 4038
Dual VNH2SP30 Motor Driver Carrier MD03A