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ISBN 978-83-283-4910-0
  • ISBN 978-83-283-4910-0
ID: 575459

Simon Monk


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Arduino programmer's guide!

If you're not on the way with a soldering iron and etching tiles, and your passion is electronics, Arduino is the platform for you! Thanks to it, you will develop wings and realize your dream projects. The Arduino market success has certainly been supported by great documentation, extensive sources of information and an environment specifically designed to create software. Currently, thanks to this platform and additional accessories you can build virtually any project - no matter if it is a Geiger counter or LED lighting controller.

In this book, the main focus has been on aspects related to Arduino programming. During the reading you will learn the basics of C language, and besides, you will learn to use data structures and use the analog and digital connectors on the Arduino board. In addition, you will learn the capabilities of the standard Arduino library, ways to save the program and information display techniques on LCD screens. At the end you will learn how to connect the Arduino board to the network, and then program the Ethernet network application. This book is a great guide for all electronics enthusiasts who want to get to know the Arduino platform better.

Thanks to this book:

  • You will become acquainted with the Arduino plate construction
  • you will learn the C basics required for Arduino programming
  • you will receive and send data via the input-output interface
  • You will start the adventure with the Arduino platform
  • you will use Arduino in internet of things projects


  • Original title: Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, Second Edition
  • Translation: Konrad Matuk
  • ISBN: 978-83-283-4909-4
  • Number of pages: 168
  • Format: 158x235 (soft cover)

A must read for every student of the Arduino platform!

Table of Contents

About the author (9)

Thanks (10)

Foreword (11)

Introduction (13)

  • What is Arduino? (13)
  • What will be needed? (14)
  • Using this book (14)
  • Examples of code (15)

Chapter 1. Here is Arduino (17)

  • Microcontrollers (17)
    • Development boards (18)
  • Arduino board (19)
    • Power supply (19)
    • Power connectors (20)
    • Analog inputs (20)
    • Digital connectors (20)
    • Microcontroller (20)
    • Other components (21)
  • Origins of Arduino (22)
  • Arduino family (22)
    • Uno, Duemilanove and Diecimila (23)
    • Mega and Due (24)
    • Micro and Small (24)
    • Yun (25)
    • Lilypad (26)
    • Other "official" tiles (26)
  • Other Arduino clones and strains (27)
  • Summary (28)

Chapter 2. We start the adventure with Arduino (29)

  • Power supply (29)
  • Software installation (30)
  • Loading the first sketch (30)
  • Arduino application (35)
  • Summary (36)

Chapter 3. Fundamentals of the C language (39)

  • Programming (39)
  • What is a programming language? (40)
  • Blink once again (44)
  • Variables (46)
  • Experimenting in C (48)
    • Numeric variables and arithmetic (49)
  • Commands (51)
    • if (52)
    • for (53)
    • while (56)
  • Fixed (56)
  • Summary (57)

Chapter 4. Functions (59)

  • What is the function? (59)
  • Parameters (60)
  • Global, local and static variables (61)
  • Returning values (64)
  • Other types of variables (65)
    • float (65)
    • boolean (66)
    • Other data types (67)
  • Code writing style (68)
    • Indentions (68)
    • Opening brackets (69)
    • White characters (69)
    • Comments (70)
  • Summary (71)

Chapter 5. Boards and Chains (73)

  • Boards (73)
    • Application of tables to Morse code and SOS signal (76)
  • Chainsaws (77)
    • String literals (77)
    • String variables (78)
  • Morse code translator (79)
    • Data (80)
    • Global variables and the setup function (81)
    • Loop function (81)
    • The flashSequence function (83)
    • The flashDotOrDash function (84)
    • Submission of the entire program (85)
  • Summary (86)

Chapter 6. Inputs and outputs (87)

  • Digital outputs (87)
  • Digital inputs (90)
    • Booster resistor (91)
    • Internal boost resistor (94)
    • Removing knocks (94)
  • Analog outputs (99)
  • Analog inputs (101)
  • Summary (102)

Chapter 7. The standard Arduino library (103)

  • Random numbers (103)
  • Mathematical functions (105)
  • Bit manipulation (106)
  • Advanced input and output functions (108)
    • Generating tones (108)
    • Entering a shift register (109)
  • Breaks (110)
  • Summary (112)

Chapter 8. Saving data (113)

  • Permanent (113)
  • Storage of data in flash memory (114)
  • EEPROM (116)
    • Storing values of an int type in the EEPROM memory (117)
    • Using the AVR EEPROM library (117)
    • Storage of float values in EEPROM (unvolume) (118)
    • Chain storage in EEPROM memory (119)
    • Erasing EEPROM memory contents (120)
  • Compression (121)
    • Range compression (121)
  • Summary (122)

Chapter 9. LCD displays (123)

  • Alphanumeric LCD displays (124)
  • An array displaying messages via the USB interface (124)
  • Using the display (127)
  • Other functions of the LCD display library (127)
  • Graphic OLED displays (128)
  • Connecting the OLED display (128)
  • Sketch (129)
  • Summary (131)

Chapter 10. Arduino and programming the Internet of Things app. (133)

  • Communication with network servers (134)
    • HTTP (134)
    • HTML (134)
  • Arduino as a Web server (136)
  • Arduino work control via the network (138)
  • MCU Node Network Server (143)
  • Controlling the operation of the Node MCU through the network (147)
  • Invoking network services (150)
  • Cooperation of the Arduino Uno plate with the IFTTT service (152)
  • ESP8266 MCU Node Board and IFTTT Service (154)
  • Other internet design stuff options (155)
  • Arduino Yun (156)
  • Particle Photon (156)
  • Summary (156)

Chapter 11. C ++ and libraries (157)

  • Object-oriented mechanisms (157)
    • Classes and methods (157)
  • An example of a built-in library (158)
  • Creating libraries (158)
    • Header file (158)
    • Implementation file (160)
    • Filling up your library (160)
  • Summary (162)

Index (165)


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