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The most important application area of the presented system is, above all, the fun. Nevertheless, the 'echo' parameters are so good that it can find quite serious applications in electroacoustics. The 'heart' of kit is a specialized integrated circuit. It contains all the elements of the audio track and a digital delay line. The system works in a typical application with element values specified by the manufacturer. To expand the possibilities of application, a mic together with a matching amplifier was added to the board. As a result, a device was obtained that can transmit sounds from the surroundings or be directly connected to the audio track of any amplifier.
The device is especially recommended for people who like to 'play' with sound, electroacoustics
Selected parameters:
Metal case for NanoPi R1 minicomputer. The set includes an external WiFi antenna
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A needle with a diameter of 0.4 mm, designed for cleaning the nozzle in 3D printers. It allows you to get rid of the remnants of the material after printing and to remove the filament in case of clogged nozzle
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PCB board and programmed system for the temperature indicator for the central heating furnace. AVT1830 A +
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Starter kit with RedBoard development board and Qwiic modules: IMU, environmental sensor, GPS module, joystick, accelerometer, keyboard and proximity sensor, MP3 player, relay and OLED display. SparkFun KIT-16262
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A module with a microphone for recognizing voice commands. The board is equipped with a Grove connector and communicates via the UART interface. Seeed Studio 101020312
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A printed circuit board and a programmed system for an audio potentiometer with a relay controlled by any remote control. AVT3222 A +
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Turnigy Multistar 45 A - Brushless motor speed controller for 2-6S multirotors (HK25366)
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Machine Screw: #4-40, 1/4" Length, Phillips (25-pack)
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The Embedded Vision Bundle is the ideal tool for testing, developing and learning the design of embedded vision systems. The kit includes a ZYBO Z7-20 plate with Soil Xilinx Zynq-7000, a Pcam 5C camera module and a 15-wire FFC connection cable. Digilent 471-020
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