Category: Atmel SAM

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Development board with SAMD21 microcontroller (ARM Cortex® M0+), 22 I/O lines, 12 PWM channels, micro-USB. The module has a built-in SD connector with dedicated SPI (SPI1) interfaces that allow you to play music files. Arduino MKR Zero ABX00012

3 weeks

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ARM ULINKpro-D Debug and Trace Unit

6 weeks

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The cable allows you to connect the ATMEL-ICE programmer to a development kit with a 6-pin and a 10-pin connector. Included with the housing of the BLD10 and BLD06 plugs, it gives the customer the freedom to configure the sequence of signals in the plug, while the key on the housing prevents reverse insertion of the plug in the socket.
6 weeks

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