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Universal output module (set) allowing from any PC to control automation devices, lamps, motors, etc. The interface is connected to the computer's printer output. It allows independent control of any of the 16 devices. The kit can be made in various standards of control outputs. The simplest one uses relays. For switching on and off devices supplied from 230 V mains, modules containing saw frames are provided. To control them, the MOC series optotriacs were used to guarantee galvanic isolation and minimize disturbances.
A separate module was designed to work with the CENTRONICS interface input register. In this case, the galvanic separation is provided by the optocouplers.
NOTE The executive modules ( AVT440 / 2, AVT440 / 3 ) and cooperation module with input registers ( AVT440 / 4 ) should be purchased separately!
The device is especially recommended for all who want to remotely, from the computer to control any electrical devices and more
Selected parameters of the module:
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Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR module based on RN41. It communicates via the UART interface. SparkFun WRL-12580
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Assembled miniature LED strip driver. AVT1847 C
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Gamepad extension with buttons and a joystick that enable the micro: bit to create a game console. The module additionally has a buzzer and a Li-ion battery port charged via the USB port.
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