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MYC-SAMA5D34 CPU Module is a single board computer base ATMEL SAMA5D3 ARM Cortex-A5 processor working at 536MHZ. It integrates all core components and memories and plugged on base board by SODIMM200 connector to combine as MYD-SAMA5D31 development board.
It carries 512MB DDR2 SDRAM, 256MB NandFlash, 16MB Norflash and 4MB DataFlash is build and minimal CPU sub-system for evaluation and development.
The CPU Module has also been called as a core board, a CPU core module or a CPU board.
The CPU module extended periphery signals and get power supply by SODIMM200 connector, it's easy for the user to make a base board.
MYC-SAMA5D34 CPU module shares the same PCB circuitry with MYC-SAMA5D3 CPU module series.
MYC-SAMA5D3 CPU Module series have five types (click to see):
MYC-SAMA5D31 CPU Module (base ATMEL SAMA5D31)
MYC-SAMA5D33 CPU Module (base ATMEL SAMA5D33)
MYC-SAMA5D34 CPU Module (base ATMEL SAMA5D34)
MYC-SAMA5D35 CPU Module (base ATMEL SAMA5D35)
MYC-SAMA5D34 CPU module features
Board features
Voltage supply
Noted: MYC-SAMA5D34 CPU Module base ATMEL SAMA5D3 ARM Cortex-A5 core, mainly focus on the industrial level in a -40 ° ~ + 85 °. If the products you are developing is 0 ° ~ + 70 °, please contact us for the new quotation.
Software resource
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Responsible person BTC Korporacja sp. z o. o. Lwowska 5 05-120 Legionowo Poland sprzedaz@kamami.pl 22 767 36 20
MYD-SAMA5D34 Development Board, MYIR
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