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Producer: AVT
A set designed to work with a PC, mainly for use in Skype applications.
The cheapest available on the market ready-made microphones often have very poor parameters, are not sensitive and do not carry speech well. The presented microphone solves these problems. Its sensitivity is so large that it allows you to talk to any medium-sized room point. The device has a wide bandwidth of transmitted frequencies and can also be used to record various sounds (nature sounds, music, etc.), voice control, room surveillance and even as part of the hearing aid. The system does not require any adjustment, and running it comes down to connecting to the appropriate input on the computer and configuring the sound card.
The device is especially recommended for users of PCs and instant messengers
Selected parameters:
Cytron USB to UART Converter CH340 - USB - UART converter based on the CH340 chip
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HK Hobbyking KK2.1HC Multi-Rotor Hard Case Flight Control Board With Remote Programmer (39791)
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Rasberry Pi compatible FPGA module integrating Xilinx Zynq-7010, 512 MB DDR3L SDRAM, 4 USB ports, Ethernet port and 16 MB Flash memory. Trenz Electronic TE0726
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Expansion board for STM32 Nucleo based on the STSAFE-A110 data security element. The board is compatible with ST morpho and Arduino UNO R3 connectors. STMicroelectronics X-NUCLEO-SAFEA1A
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