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ReflectiveSwitch is the world's smallest reflective LED driver, based on an optoelectronic reflective sensor and a miniature processor responsible for digital signal processing. The module is intended, among others for controlling lighting in the furniture industry, home lighting, automotive and assisted living solutions for the elderly and the disabled.
ReflectiveSwitch is based on the technology used in automation and robotics to detect objects and obstacles. The device contains a miniature transmitter of invisible light rays and a small receiver (equivalent to a digital camera) that observes light reflection.
It measures how fast the modulated signal travels from the transmitter to the object and after reflection it returns to the receiver to determine how far the object is located - eg the door from the cabinet. This information is sent to a miniature processor that processes the signal, filters it to prevent accidental switching on of light, etc. - and then decide whether to turn on the lights depending on user settings (yes, this miniature device can be digitally adapted to your needs).
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The OpenMV M7 Camera is a small, low-power microcontroller board that allows you to easily implement applications using machine vision in the real world. The best part about the OpenMV is that it is not only capable of image capture, but also face detection, color tracking, QR code reading and plenty more. SparkFun SEN-14186
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Off-road Dagu Wild Thumper 4WD chassis in silver, complete with wheels with a diameter of 120 mm and motors with a 34:1 gearbox. The chassis is made of aluminum sheet, holes with a diameter of 4 mm spaced every 10 mm allow the installation of the controller and accessories. Pololu 1564
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Welcome to the dwelling of a wise and cunning beast guarding countless treasures he will only reveal to the one bold enough to face his mechanical magic! Behold – the magnificent Windstorm Dragon of the Ugears’ automatons collection is here to challenge your wits and skills in your next mechanical models adventure.
The Windstorm Dragon is a classic mythical reptilian, the embodiment of ancient might and power, presented in wood and animated by the wizardry of Ugears engineers. UGears 70151
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Permanent cylindrical neodymium magnet with a diameter of 10 mm and a height of 3 mm.
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Reflective LED driver