Category: Bluetooth modules

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A development board that combines the u-blox NINA-B306 Bluetooth module, the ISM330DHCX 6DoF IMU sensor, and the BME280 atmospheric pressure sensor. It has a built-in Qwiic connector and LiPo battery connector as well as a charger and LiPo parameters monitor. SparkFun WRL-20854

6 weeks

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Hardware extension adds Bluetooth Class 2 radio communication capability to Open4, EvoPrimer and STM32 Primer2 platforms
6 weeks

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The evaluation kit designed for the nRF51822 Bluetooth 4.0 system consists of the BLE400 base board and the Core51822 wireless module with the nRF51822 chip. Waveshare NRF51822 Eval Kit

4 weeks

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