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BlueBoard-LPC214X-S is a stamp board for NGX's Blueboard Base. The LPC2148 microcontroller has 512KB of internal flash and 32+8K RAM,can be clocked up to 60Mhz. LPC2148 features include USB 2.0 device, 2xUARTs, RTC, 2x10bit ADCs each ADC has multiple channels, 1xDAC, 6XPWM, 2xI2C, 1xSPI,1XSSP, 2x32-bit TIMERS, FAST I/0 support and WDT. LPC2148 also supports In System Programming (ISP).
Cables for evaluation boards, set of 10 pcs., blue colour
Cables for evaluation boards, set of 10 pcs., red colour
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Cables for evaluation boards, set of 10 pcs., green colour
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Cables for evaluation boards, set of 10 pcs., yellow colour
Cables for evaluation boards, set of 10 pcs., white colour
Set of 40 pieces of male-female connection cables, in various colors, 17 cm long. CAB_M-F (Rainbow-40-17)
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Camera module with Sony Starvis IMX327 sensor that works with Raspberry Pi minicomputers. It has a 2 MP sensor and an 80° viewing angle lens, and is equipped with a motorized IR-CUT filter. ArduCAM B0425
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This tough, three-axle, flatbed military truck is Ukraine strong, built for on- or off-road frontline service in the toughest conditions of snow, ice and mud. Whether it\'s towing artillery pieces, carrying a pontoon bridge, removing debris or fitted out for troop transport, this truck gets the job done. UGears 70199
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Minicomputer with Allwinner H3 quad-core processor and 512 MB RAM. It has a WiFi and BT module, two Ethernet ports, 2 USB 2.0 ports and a microUSB and a microSD slot. FriendlyELEC NanoPi R1
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Printed circuit board for mounting running lights. AVT795 A
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10 DOF IMU Sensor (B), Inertial Measurement Unit, Lower Power Consumption
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