Category: ARDUINO pffers Arduino boards and Arduino shields, cameras, books and accessories designed for Arduino. Arduino boards can be used by both beginners and advanced electronics adepts.

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Based on the versatile ATmega328, the Metro Mini packs 32KB Flash, 2KB RAM, a clock speed 16Mhz and the Optiboot bootloader. The slick black and gold unit includes 20 GPIO pins. Adafruit 2488 

4 weeks

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A set of basic electronic components complete with a contact plate, connecting cables and a DFRduino UNO R3 board. The attached cards with connection diagrams help create on the basis of a set of 15 interesting projects. DFRobot DFR0100

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 Introducing Adafruit FONA 808 GSM + GPS Shield, an all-in-one cellular phone module with that lets you add location-tracking, voice, text, SMS and data to your project, in Arduino shield format for easy use. Adafruit 2636

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The shield provides the standard MIDI port circuits, incl. 5-pin DIN connectors, pto-isolated MIDI input, LEDs on D6 and D7, pushbuttons on D2, D3 and D4, and rotary potentiometers on A0 and A1. DEV-12898

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A set of elements intended for people who want to start their adventure with programming and electronics. Its main element is the DFRduino Mega 2560 tile (compatible with Arduino MEGA). The set consists of 31 elements. DFRobot KIT0013

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Arduino compatible shield for the ESP8266 WiFi SoC – a leading platform for Internet of Things (IoT) or WiFi-related projects. WRL-13287

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The Bees shield is compatible with Arduino boards such as UNO R3 and Leonardo it has a large prototyping shield giving you plenty of space to experiment and add extra components to your project. Thanks to its uniform interface, there are a huge number of devices compatible with the xBee socket: xBee, WiFi xBee, Bluetooth Bee, zigBee, etc. DFR0210

4 weeks

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