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Author: Douglas R. Stinson ISBN: 83-204-2982-X Format: B5, 438 pages Hardcover Publisher: WNT |
About the book |
This book is recognized in the world as one of the best textbooks for cryptography. It consists of three parts. The first includes classical cryptography, with a secret key, called symmetrical. The author discusses in it stream ciphers and elements of the information theory Shanonna. Describes and analyzes the DES symmetric cipher algorithm in detail. The second part is devoted to public-key cryptography, known as asymmetrical. The author discusses here the RSA algorithm, ElGamala cryptosystem along with its implementation on elliptic curves, digital signature schemes (including DSS), hash functions and key distribution algorithms, authentication algorithms and secret-sharing algorithms. The third part covers more complex issues. The author describes authentication codes, sharing secrets, pseudo-random number generation problems and zero-knowledge protocols. It is worth noting that all the presented issues are illustrated with computational examples, and cryptosystems are discussed in accordance with the generally accepted scheme: encryption method - decryption method - known methods of attack. The book is intended for IT students, maths students, cryptographers, people dealing professionally with the protection of information. Table of Contents 1. Classic cryptography 1.1. Introduction: a few simple cryptosystems 1.1.1. Cipher with offset 1.1.2. Substitution cipher 1.1.3. Affine cipher 1.1.4. Vigenere's cipher 1.1.5. Hill Cipher 1.1.6. Permutation cipher 1.1.7. Stream ciphers 1.2. Cryptanalysis 1.2.1. Cryptanalysis of affine cipher 1.2.2. Cryptanalysis of the substitution cipher 1.2.3. Cryptanalysis of the Vigenere cipher 1.2.4. Attack with known public text for Hill's encryption 1.2.5. Cryptanalysis of the LFSR based cipher 1.3. Comments exercises 2. The Shannon theory 2.1. Top secretiveness 2.2. Entropy 2.2.1. Hnffman coding and entropy 2.3. Properties of entropy 2.1. Erroneous keys and critical length 2.5. Product cryptographic systems 2.6. Comments Exercises. 3. Data encryption standard - DES 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Description DES. 3.2.1. An example of encryption in the DES system 3.3. Controversy over DES 3.4. DES in practice 3.4.1. DES operation modes 3.5. Time requirements and memory requirements - an attempt to compromise 3.6. Differential cryptanalysis 3.6.1. Attack on a 3-round DES code 3.6.2. Attack on a 6-round DES code 3.6.3. Other examples of differential cryptanalysis 3.7. Notes and bibliography exercises 4. RSA system and factorization 4.1. Introduction to public key cryptography 4.2. Still about the theory of numbers 4.2.1. The Euclidean algorithm 4.2.2. Chinese theorem on the rest 4.2.3. Other useful facts 4.3. RSA cryptographic system 4.4. RSA implementation 4.5. Probabilistic test for prime numbers 4.6. Attacks on RSA 4.6.1. Exponent of decryption 4.6.2. Partial information about bits of plaintext 4.7. Rabin's cryptographic system 4.8. Algorithms of factoring 4.8.1. Method p - 1 4.8.2. Dixon algorithm and square sieve 4.8.3. Algorithms of factoring in practice 4.9. Notes and bibliography exercises 5. Other cryptographic systems with a public key 5.1. ElGamala cryptographic system and discrete logarithms 5.1.1. Algorithms for the problem of discrete logarithms 5.1.2. Security of discrete logarithm bits 5.2. Systems based on finite bodies and elliptical curves 5.2.1. Galois bodies 5.2.2. Elliptic curves 5.3. Merkle-Hellman knapsack system 5.4. McEliece's system 5.5. Notes and bibliography exercises 6. Signature schemes 6.1. Introduction 6.2. The signature scheme of ElGamala 6.3. Digital signature standard 6.4. One-off signatures 6.5. Undeniable signatures 6.6. Unidentifiable signatures 6.7. Notes and bibliography exercises 7. Functions of a shortcut 7.1. Signatures and functions of a hash 7.2. Problem-free shortcut functions 7.3. Attack by birth day 7.4. The hash function associated with the discrete logarithm 7.5. Extended hash functions 7.6. The shortcut functions built on cryptographic systems 7.7. The MD4 hash function 7.8. Dating 7.9. Notes and bibliography exercises 8. Reconciliation and distribution of the key 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Pre-distribution of the key 8.2.1. Blom scheme 8.2.2. Diagram of the initial distribution of the Diffie-Hellman key 8.3. kerberos 8.4. Diffie Hellman key exchange protocol 8.4.1. Key exchange protocol with authentication 8.4.2. MTI key agreement protocol 8.4.3. Reconcile the key with the self-confirming key 8.5. Notes and bibliography exercises 9. Identification schemes 9.1. Introduction 9.2. Schnorr identification scheme 9.3. Okamoto identification scheme 9.4. Guillou-Quisquater identification scheme 9.4.1. Identification schemes based on identity 9.5. Transforming identification into a signature scheme 9.6. Notes and bibliography exercises 10. Authentication codes 10.1. Introduction 10.2. Calculating the probabilities of fraud 10.3. Combinatorial restrictions 10.3.1. Orthogonal matrices 10.3.2. Orthogonal matrices - constructions and limitations 10.3.3. Characterization of authentication codes 10.4. Restrictions related to entropy 10.5. Notes and bibliography exercises 11. Secret sharing schemes 11.1. Introduction: Shamira threshold scheme 11.2. Access structures and general secret sharing 11.3. The construction based on the niononic circuit 11.4. Formal definitions 11.5. Relative measure of information 11.6. Brickell construction based on a linear space 11.7. The upper limit of the relative measure of information 11.8. Construction by decomposition 11.9. Notes and bibliography exercises 12. Generating pseudo-random numbers 12.1. Introduction and examples 12.2. Indistinguishable probability distributions 12.2.1. Algorithm for predicting the next bit 12.3. Bluma-Bluma-Shuba generator 12.3.1. Security of the BBS generator 12.4. Probabilistic encryption 12.5. Notes and bibliography exercises 13. Evidence of zero knowledge 13.1. Interactive proof systems 13.2. Excellent evidence of zero knowledge 13.3. Scheme of the binding bit 13.4. Evidence of computational zero knowledge 13.5. Reasoning about zero knowledge 13.6. Notes and bibliography exercises Further reading Bibliography Index |
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